Authentication form

The Authentication form allow only authorized users to access the GACS system. There are two levels of users: administrators and normal users.
Main page

This is the main page. Horizontally there are the main menus, and vertically the submenus for each section.
Classrooms query

You can make custom queries in all sections. Here is the classrooms query form.
Classes query result

The system shows the information results in a simple but usable way. For example, here is the result of a query to the classes.
Modify professor information

If you have admin privileges on the system, you can add or modify the information. This is an example of a form to modify the professor information.
Algorithm parameters

This is the medular part of the gacs system: the execution of the algorithm to obtain the classes timetable. Here is the form where you can set the input parameters that the system will use during the algorithm execution.
Professor report

After the algorithm execution to obtain the classes timetable, you can query and print the results. Here is a professor report. If you're a professor, you can print it and put it in your office door, or before that, save the html source code of the report and modify it :).
Classroom report

Another type of report is the classrooms report. The same as with the professors reports, you can print them and put them in the classrooms doors. Logo